"Art does not reproduce the visible, it makes things visible in the first place."

Paul Klee, 1879-1940

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I do believe the dam has been breached…or, at least, I have been sewing for the last few days, which hasn’t happened in a very…very… long while. I guess I got the bug or had to scratch an itch or something…annnnywayyyy…I can’t really show you much cuz I’m not sure who reads this blog…but I will on Dec. 26 or thereabouts…after the unwrapping…It’s nothing too earth shattering, I’m using a magazine pattern, but at this point any sewing is better than none and product (completed product)) vs. creativity is not really an issue…baby steps…I’m actually liking the results, and I have put my own spin on it, with different colors and feeling…BTW: I (still!) HATE paper piecing…but hand appliqué, now that I can get into…and quick strip piecing…yep, I’ve been doing it all…

We are in wait-and-see mode around here. Supposedly we are in for some cooler, wetter weather in the next few days, starting on the weekend and continuing into the next week or so, and I can tell you we are ready…though it has been quite lovely this last week…We still have Fall leaves on the sweet gum trees, and they are so beautiful…I guess, technically, it’s still Fall…and really, what is Winter here in SoCA anyway??? Not braggin', just askin'...


jenclair said...

You are teasing us! I can't wait for further progress!

Looks beautiful there in SoCal!

Debra Dixon said...

We actually got a dusting of snow this week so anything can happen!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, yummy stuff Debby! Can't wait to see this progress further.

A lot of people around the country say, "Oh, don't you miss the seasons." But we do have seasons. They're just more subtle, that's all. And we wear cotton sweaters instead of wool. Okay, I do love snow. But I can drive to it and I don't have to shovel it.

Our liquidamber trees are bright red also. Soon they will drop their leaves and the landscape will be a hundred shades grayed-down brown and olive, until the rains turn the hillsides bright green again.