"Art does not reproduce the visible, it makes things visible in the first place."

Paul Klee, 1879-1940

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Well, I'll see you guys in a couple of weeks.  I'm off in the morning to visit DD (who turns 26 tomorrow!)  I've packed my warm clothes, have a good mystery to read on the plane and some knitting in my bag.  I'm looking forward to sitting down and having some good chatting over a cuppa and a real, in-person hug from my girl...Yay! I'm sure I'll have amazing photos to share when I get back.  Oh! and I DO look forward to seeing the reveals at Interpret This! when I return!  Keep the home fires burnin' kids...and TRY to behave...=-)


Debra Dixon said...

Have fun and post some pictures if you can!!

Rian said...

Have fun and stay warm. I'll be interested to hear how the weather is this time of year.

Mary Ann said...

I'm sure that you're having a wonderful time, Debby! Hope the weather is a bit warmer than it is here!
Looking forward to pics!
Hugs, Mary Ann